About Diploma in Nursing (KRCHN).

This program is designed to equip learners with the right competence in knowledge, skills and attitude in becoming round and competent nurse who is able to deliver quality and safe nursing interventions.. Graduates can secure employment in all level hospitals owned by the government, Private Institutions and non-governmental organisations. Diploma in nursing holders can advance their studies to Degree Level or to Masters Level .

Jordan Hospital Medical College has been inspected and approved by the Nursing Council to train Kenya Registered Community Health Nurses at a diploma level with prospects Higher Nursing specialization and Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Mode of Study: Full Time(Physical)

Examination & Licensing: Examination for eligibility for licensing is done the Nursing Council of Kenya(NCK).

Enrollment Intakes: September

Minimum qualifications.
KCSE Mean Grade C(plain).
With a C plain in Biology
C plain in either English or Kiswahili.
C- Minus in either Mathematics, Chemistry, or Physics.

We are located in Kitui County, Kitui Town

For more information contact us through 0794588868 or email us info@jordanhospitalcollege.ac.ke

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